With ServerSentinel you can monitor server and network services as well as local resources automatically and reliably from a central installation. The monitoring software reacts immediately in case of failures and irregularities. This minimizes server downtimes and increases the availability of monitored systems.
ServerSentinel monitors servers, network services (such as HTTP, POP3, and SNMP) as well as hard disk space and memory usage. Various monitoring sensors and individually definable testing intervals ensure a reliable system monitoring. Using a variety of hardware sensors* connected to ServerSentinel, you can, for example, keep track of the temperature and humidity in the server room.
If an error or irregularity is tracked, ServerSentinel notifies you in real time via email, text-to-speech output, acoustic or optical* warning signal. This immediate notification enables you to take precautions to avoid system failure and limitation of availability. ServerSentinel can also take immediate action by running automatic scripts or programs that can take corrective actions.
All information such as logged failures, reported irregularities and other performance data are stored in a dedicated database. The recorded data can be used for future analyses regarding system failures and server performance bottlenecks. This guarantees reliable control of all systems.